Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Baseball Without Chew?

Once again Congress has found a way to nose its way into the world of sports. As if the steroid trials weren't enough, they now are "urging" the MLB Player's Union to outlaw chew. The cited reason: the usual role model's of children mantra we've heard with some many other encroachments on civil liberties. Apparently, we are responsible for the irresponsibility of parents and others who have an actual influence in kids lives. If we're not careful, soon congress will be "urging" anyone in the public eye not to drink soda or eat doughnuts, because heaven knows all of those kids are going to just follow that example blindly and end up fat. My first reaction to this whole issue is that no kid would be ignorant enough to just blindly do whatever they see "someone" on television do, but then I thought harder about the kind of "critical thinking" our schools are training today's average american child to use, and I concede the point. This is just another example of the gloriously benevolent state intervening on our behalf to protect us from the ignorant, blindly following fools they have so carefully tried to craft us into. 

It's time congress needs to get its power-hungry nose out of our lives and back to whatever legitimate thing it's supposed to be doing.... which is, what, exactly?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

It's Not Just the "Socialists" Anymore...

Frederic Bastiat, in his remarkably insightful book, "The Law," had this to say about Socialism. Unfortunately, it seems as though all opponents of Liberty have taken up this fallacy.

"Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all.
          We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain." 

-Bastiat, Frederic. The Law. par. L. 102

How Oppressive and Ridiculous is the IRS?

This ridiculous. You no longer even have to ever have touched US soil for them to claim they own you and your money. Thanks to lewrockwell.com and the Nestmann group for the disturbingly enlightening article.

Chris Christie Supports Mitt Romney

I guess it really shouldn't surprise us that the governor of the highest taxing state would support the creator of Romneycare. Perhaps the neocon portrayal of Christie as a paragon of fiscal conservatism is finally beginning to slough off? One can only hope...

Monday, October 10, 2011

What this blog is...

Contra Colossi: The name means, "Against the Colossi." Colossi being the plural reference to Colossus, meaning a statue of immense size or stature, but now, it has fallen in English to simply refer to something or someone of immense power or size.
The idea for the name was partially spawned by Athenasius of Alexandria being described as Athenasius Contra Mundum, or "Athenasius against the world" in his fight against the Arian heresy. His ideas aside, I thought the concept of an "against the..." made sense in regards to the purpose of this blog.
Which is:
Quick hits of Austrian Economics, Libertarianism, and Anarchocapitalism. Thus, the purpose of this blog is to oppose, in the world of ideas, the colossi that threaten our liberty, whether it be businesses, the state, or even ourselves. Such quick hits will often aim to point out the banal nature of the status quo and the hypocrisy of the news media and the line we're constantly fed day in and day out by the establishment, be it labelled "democrat" or "republican." The posts also will not always be political in nature.Often they will have a much more practical, and less disgusted tone than what politics will most definitely drive me to. So there you have it. Questions? I thought not...