Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Walter Block: Jews for Ron Paul

A couple weeks old now, but still well worth listening to:

Some really good stuff in here. Particularly, in regards to Israel's ability to defend itself and America's supposed role as Guarantor: " There are those who will say, 'But wait, America is a Guarantor.' Why don't we ask the South Vietnamese what sort of Guarantor the US is."


  1. Wow, I'm glad I watched that. It nudges me closer and closer to a vote for Ron Paul.

    However, the big concern for me isn't the alleged antisemitism, it's his direct stance against the separation of church and state. This is a fundamental pillar of our country and has been violated so many times that I fear it would only become worse under Paul. Even so, I may have to risk it and vote for him anyways. (Provided he even wins the nomination.)

    1. Well, I'm certainly glad you found it worth watching.
      You find him to be set against the separation of church and state? If I may ask, what has led you to that assessment? From what I've understood of his beliefs and especially of the libertarians he associates most with, he is the most towards the separation of church and state of any politician I know. He may be Christian and have very strong personal convictions about things like abortion and such, but he has time and again stood against any ruling that would put those beliefs in the tyrannical hands of the government. I guess I'm just curious where the notion of his being against the separation of church and state comes from. Perhaps I'm missing something...
